Welcome to Women in Oil and Energy South Africa

Black women in South Africa have either been at the lowest end of any form of business opportunity, or totally excluded. It therefore is imperative for women to focus cohesively on addressing their unique position in order to address these facts. WOESA’s first priority is to facilitate women’s participation in business opportunities in the oil, gas and energy sector in South Africa.

WOESA offers services to its member companies, organisations and individuals, that focus on developing a knowledge base and building capacity amongst women through education and training. We facilitate access to business opportunities; we do advocacy work for women by participating in drafting legislation and policies.

Transformation and the development of historically disadvantaged women is not only what we talk about; WOESA is there to ensure that equal opportunities for women and particularly black women in South Africa become a fact in the Oil and Energy sector.

The WOESA Group consists of a Non-Profit Company, an operating company and several investments through which we participate in the Oil; Gas and Energy sectors.


Opportunities for South African women to participate as members through their companies in activities of the NPC, and also opportunities to partner in economic activities.

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WOESA Investment Holdings

reates opportunities for women to become shareholders in various entities that WOESA invests in. For as little as R4500, you can become a shareholder in WIH.

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WOESA Energy

The operating company of the group enables members to provide services in the energy sector through strategic partnerships.

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Investee Companies

WOESA owns 52% of Norconsult Iyanda in partnership with Norconsult AS, an international multidisciplinary engineering and design consultancy company, headquartered in Norway. This allows Norconsult Iyanda to draw upon the Norconsult group’s vast international resource base, experience, and credentials in successfully growing its business and reputation in South Africa and beyond. NOIY is an African Women Owned, Level 2 B-BBEE Contributor. The company has a proven track record of more than ten (10) years

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WOESA owns 51% of Linsen Nambi Bunker Services, South Africa’s first fully African owned ships. LNBS operates three bunker vessels in the Ports of Durban & Cape Town. We employ 120 South Africans, with 100 full-time staff employed at sea, as Masters, Chief Engineers, Chief Offcers, Able Seaman, Oilers, and trainees, as well as a staff complement employed ashore in support services.

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Zuriel Engineering (Pty)Ltd is a 51% Black Women Owned manufacturing engineering company located in Delmas, Mpumalanga (Manufacturing Workshop). Zuriel specializes in the design, fabrication, manufacturing, machining, refurbishment, and repairs of battery containers for Industrial machinery and heavy-duty plant components including but not limited to Flame proof boxes, Conveyors systems components, ducting, extraction & piping system components and tanks.

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